Debbie Woolard and Team want to provide you and your family with as many resources as we can to make a well-informed decision.
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5 Real Estate Reality TV Myths Explained! By The KCM Crew Have you ever been flipping through the channels, only to find yourself glued to the couch in an HGTV binge session? We’ve all been there, …
The Net Worth of a Homeowner is 44x Greater Than A Renter! By The KCM Crew Every three years, the Federal Reserve conducts their Survey of Consumer Finances in which they collect data across all economic and social groups. Their …
Homebuyers Willing to Sacrifice ‘Must-Haves’ in Favor of Good School Districts! By The KCM Crew It should come as no surprise that buying a home in a good school district is important to homebuyers. According to …
Have You Outgrown Your Starter Home? By The KCM Crew For many Americans, buying their first home is their first taste of achieving part of the American Dream. There is a sense of pride that comes …