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First-Time Home Buyers Continue to Put Down Less Than 6%! By The KCM Crew According to the Realtors Confidence Index from the National Association of Realtors, 61% of first-time homebuyers purchased their homes with down payments below 6% in …
House-Buying Power at Near-Historic Levels! By The KCM Crew We keep hearing that home affordability is approaching crisis levels. While this may be true in a few metros across the country, housing affordability is not a …
Rising Interest Rates Have Not Dampened Demand! By The KCM Crew Since the beginning of the year, mortgage interest rates have risen over a half of a percentage point (from 3.95% to 4.52%), according to Freddie Mac. Even a small …
How Long Do Most Families Live in a House? By The KCM Crew The National Association of Realtors (NAR) keeps historical data on many aspects of homeownership. One of their data points, which has changed dramatically, is the median tenure …