Debbie Woolard and Team want to provide you and your family with as many resources as we can to make a well-informed decision.
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Days on The Market Drops to New Low in April! By The KCM Crew According to recently released data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the median number of days that a home spent on the market hit a new …
The Cost of Renting vs. Buying [INFOGRAPHIC]! By The KCM Crew Some Highlights: Historically, the choice between renting or buying a home has been a tough decision. Looking at the percentage of income needed to rent a median-priced …
Did Tax Reform Kill the Luxury Market? NOT SO FAR! By The KCM Crew The new tax code limits the deduction of state and local property taxes, as well as income or sales taxes, to a …
Homeowners & Appraisers See the Most Eye-to-Eye on Price in 3 Years! By The KCM Crew In today’s housing market, where supply is very low and demand is very high, home values are increasing rapidly. Many …