Debbie Woolard and Team want to provide you and your family with as many resources as we can to make a well-informed decision.
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Don’t Wait to Sell Your House! Buyers Are Out Now! By The KCM Crew Recently released data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) suggests that now is a great time to sell your home. The concept of ‘supply …
Is Your First Home Within Your Grasp Now? [INFOGRAPHIC] By The KCM Crew Some Highlights: According to the US Census Bureau, ‘millennials’ are defined as 18-36-year-olds. According to NAR’s latest Profile of Home Buyers & Sellers, the median age of …
Moving Up to Your Dream Home? Don’t Wait! By The KCM Crew Mortgage interest rates have risen by more than half of a point since the beginning of the year, and many assume that if mortgage …
Renters Under 50 Want to Buy a Home! By The KCM Crew Every year, the New York Federal Reserve publishes the results of their Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE). Each survey covers a wide range of topics including inflation, labor …