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61% of First-Time Buyers Put Down Less than 6%! By The KCM Crew According to the National Association of Realtors’ latest Realtors Confidence Index, 61% of first-time homebuyers purchased their homes with down payments below 6% from October …
Wondering If You Can Buy Your First Home? By The KCM Crew There are many people sitting on the sidelines trying to decide if they should purchase a home or sign a rental lease. Some might …
FICO® Scores on Approved Home Loans Drop Again! By The KCM Crew According to Ellie Mae’s latest Origination Report, the average FICO® Score on all closed loans dropped to 722 which is its lowest mark since April. The average …
The Impact of Tight Inventory on the Housing Market! By The KCM Crew The housing crisis is finally in the rearview mirror as the real estate market moves down the road to a complete recovery. Home …