Debbie Woolard and Team want to provide you and your family with as many resources as we can to make a well-informed decision.
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More Listings Are Coming Onto The Market [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights Worried you won’t be able to find your next home after you sell? You should know data from shows more listings are coming onto the market each month this year. Having additional options can …
Home Price Deceleration Doesn’t Mean Home Price Depreciation Experts in the real estate industry use a number of terms when they talk about what’s happening with home prices. And some of those words sound a bit …
Become A Victim Of Inflation Or Benefit From It In inflationary times, currently the highest in 40 years, the purchasing power of your money diminishes each day; essentially, buying you less. The biggest threat is to be …
A Majority of Consumers Say It’s a Good Time To Sell Your House If you’re a homeowner thinking about selling your house, you’re probably looking for the best time to make your move. That means you’re …