Debbie Woolard and Team want to provide you and your family with as many resources as we can to make a well-informed decision.
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Americans Still Believe Real Estate is Best Long-Term Investment! By The KCM Crew According to Bankrate’s latest Financial Security Index Poll, Americans who have money to set aside for the next 10 years would rather invest in real estate …
Are Home Prices Approaching Bubble Territory? By The KCM Crew As home values continue to rise, some are questioning whether we are approaching another housing bubble. Zillow just reported that: “National home values have surpassed the …
Homeownership Is a Good Financial Investment! By The KCM Crew According to a recent report by Trulia, “buying is cheaper than renting in 100 of the largest metro areas by an average of 33.1%.” The report may have some people …
Can Your Real Estate Agent Answer These Important Questions? By The KCM Crew Whether you are selling or buying a home, the real estate agent you hire is critical to guaranteeing your family makes the right …