Debbie Woolard and Team want to provide you and your family with as many resources as we can to make a well-informed decision.
We hope you enjoy reading our blog and should you have any questions or need assistance with buying or selling your home please let us know.
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Saving money and enjoying the results of your own labor can be a motivating reason for do-it-yourself home repairs.
Today’s Real Estate Market: The ‘Unicorns’ Have Galloped Off Comparing real estate metrics from one year to another can be challenging in a normal housing market. That’s due to possible variability in the market making the …
Moving Now Can Give Your House Its Day in the Sun Some Highlights If you want to sell your house, consider doing it this summer. The days are longer, the weather is warmer, and it’s a …
Owning a Home Helps Protect Against Inflation You’re probably feeling the impact of high inflation every day as prices have gone up on groceries, gas, and more. If you’re a renter, you’re likely experiencing it a …