Debbie Woolard and Team want to provide you and your family with as many resources as we can to make a well-informed decision.
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Should You Install Artificial Turf in Your Yard? Who wouldn’t want to reside in a beautiful neighborhood adorned with meticulously manicured lawns? While some homeowners relish the thought of working on their yards, others may not …
How Many Homes Are Investors Actually Buying? Are big investors really buying up all the homes today? If you’re trying to find a house to buy, this may be something you’re wondering about. Maybe you’ve read about it or …
Understanding Property Taxes Understanding property taxes is important for homeowners to effectively manage their finances and ensure they can afford the ongoing costs associated with homeownership.
Worried About Home Maintenance Costs? Consider This If one of the main reasons you’re hesitant to buy a home is because you’re worried about the upkeep, here’s some information you may find interesting on both new home construction …