Debbie Woolard and Team want to provide you and your family with as many resources as we can to make a well-informed decision.
We hope you enjoy reading our blog and should you have any questions or need assistance with buying or selling your home please let us know.
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Start 2017 Off Right… List Your House for Sale! By The KCM Crew As we are about to bring in the New Year, families across the country will be deciding if this is the year that …
2 Tips to Ensure You Get the Most Money When Selling Your House! By The KCM Crew Every homeowner wants to make sure they get the best price when selling their home. But how do you …
Why You Shouldn’t Take Your House Off the Market During the Holidays! By The KCM Crew If you are one of the many homeowners who is debating taking your home off the market for the next …
Selling in the Winter Attracts Serious Buyers! By The KCM Crew A recent study of more than 7 million home sales over the past four years revealed that the season in which a home is listed …