Debbie Woolard and Team want to provide you and your family with as many resources as we can to make a well-informed decision.
We hope you enjoy reading our blog and should you have any questions or need assistance with buying or selling your home please let us know.
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Achieving the Dream of Homeownership! Homeownership has long been considered the American Dream, and it’s one every American should feel confident and powerful pursuing. But owning a home is also a deeply personal dream. Our home provides …
What’s Going To Happen with Home Prices This Year? After almost two years of double-digit increases, many experts thought home price appreciation would decelerate or happen at a slower pace in the last quarter of 2021. …
Why is the APR higher than the interest rate? Annual percentage rate is a calculation to accurately reflect the cost of the mortgage considering the note rate of interest, financing fees and charges based on the …
Two Ways Homebuyers Can Win in Today’s Market! If your goal is to purchase a home this year, you might be looking for any advantage you can get in today’s sellers’ market. While competition is still …