Debbie Woolard and Team want to provide you and your family with as many resources as we can to make a well-informed decision.
We hope you enjoy reading our blog and should you have any questions or need assistance with buying or selling your home please let us know.
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How Owning a Home Grows Your Wealth with Time Some Highlights If you’re thinking of buying a home this year, be sure to factor in the long-term benefits of homeownership. Over time, homeownership allows you to …
Why Buying or Selling a Home Helps the Economy and Your Community If you’re thinking about buying or selling a house, it’s important to know that it doesn’t just affect your life, but also your community. …
A Drop in Equity Doesn’t Mean Low Equity You may see media coverage talking about a drop in homeowner equity. What’s important to understand is that equity is tied closely to home values. So, when home …
Your Needs Matter More Than Today’s Mortgage Rates If you’re thinking about selling your house right now, chances are it’s because something in your life has changed. And, while things like mortgage rates are a key …