
Debbie Woolard and Team want to provide you and your family with as many resources as we can to make a well-informed decision.

We hope you enjoy reading our blog and should you have any questions or need assistance with buying or selling your home please let us know.

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Q: When Is the Best Time to Refinance?

A: Many people flock to refinance while mortgage interest rates are low, particularly when rates are about two percentage points below their existing home loans. Other factors, like when to finance, will depend on how long …

Talking Points with an Agent

A list of talking points can be very valuable to guide the conversation with an agent that will lead to a decision to have him or her represent you in the sale of your home.  If you …

Taking the Spooky Out of the Mortgage Process

  Debbie Woolard Group (757) 288-0194 Email Excellent Service – Excellent Results Buyers Agent/Sellers Agent   Our focus is helping people find and exchange dream homes. We are seeking buyers and sellers that desire concierge …

Buying a Home with as Little as 3-5% Down Payment

We have recently reported on the misconception that many buyers have regarding the down payment necessary to purchase a home. Multiple studies reveal that 40-50% of Americans believe you need between 15-20% of a down payment …